Chat with the community on Topic Tables!
We're looking for people that are willing to share their experience with the community!
Want to propose a topic and help a table have a great conversation? Join us as a moderator! To be a moderator you should have some knowledge of the topic, help guide the conversation at your table and be willing to have fun. 😄
Interested in having a conversation about a particular topic, but don't feel you're the right fit to moderate or become a speaker? Send us your topic ideas and we'll try to find someone interested in sharing their knowledge on your suggested topic!
Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve gathered a couple of questions that are frequently asked by people. Feel free to check them out and if you have other question reach out on Facebook or Twitter.
What is Topic Tables?
Who should attend to this event?
Past Moderators

Christian Rodríguez

Emmanuel Luciano

Giovanni Collazo

Juan Álvarez

Alex Santos

Gabriel Pérez